I agree completely. Many restaurants had done a great job of having air filtration systems to help mitigate the problem, but I find that I had pretty much quit eating at "sports-bar" type places like Buffalo Wild Wings and Bailey's. And it was because of the smoke. I like bar food, and I like the fact that bars are the kind of place where you can often get fairly high quality food but get it faster than many fancier restaurants (nice for those times when you don't have time for Outback but want something better than fast-food).
As a life-long resident of North Carolina, a state whose economy was long dominated by tobacco, I honestly never thought I'd see a change like this in my lifetime. Thanks, legislators!
This is one area (amongst others) that NC finally caught up to California, who did this years ago. I too, never thought I'd see the day and am doing a happy dance.
Montana banned smoking in all public places a couple years ago but bars and casinos where exempt until last fall. While I still don't go to bars often, I agree completely with you, I can go to them and not have to come out smelling like an ashtray. Way to go NC!
Wow. Even in Winston?
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